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Switch Nodes

Switch Nodes help contribute to the Switch ecosystem. Nodes confirm every transaction and are rewarded in SWITCH. SWITCH is the native currency to the Switch blockchain.

*Note: Switch Nodes went live on 2/25/22, supporting and validating the decentralization of the network.   This will be the annual date of the halving in the future.

Switch Smart Node

The premium node license. Smart Node owners will receive maximum SWITCH rewards while running this software. Node owners will be a part of an elite group that can participate in voting on new products and services offered by the Switch blockchain. You can run 1 per computer/server.

Buy a Switch Smart Node

Switch Lite Node

Our provisional node license. Owners will receive limited SWITCH rewards while running this software. The rewards earned are relatively small compared to Smart Nodes. You may run up to ~100 of these on one computer/server.

Buy a Switch Lite Node
Runs on Most Devices

Switch Node is compatible with most MacOS, Windows, and Linux devices. Switch Node can also be installed and operated on a virtual private server of your choosing.

Intuitive Interface

Switch Node offers a powerful interface allowing you to monitor its performance daily.

Supports The Switch Blockchain

Switch Node supports the Switch Blockchain by independently confirming transactions using advanced cryptography.

Earn SWITCH Rewards

Switch Node operators earn SWITCH rewards for supporting the Switch Blockchain.

Decentralized Node Network

Switch Nodes may be purchased around the world. Switch is a global decentralized network of Switch Node software operators. Switch Node performs complex cryptographic computations to verify and confirm transactions on the Switch Blockchain.

Monitor Node performance metrics to maximize your earnings.
Add multiple Switch Node licenses to earn even more rewards.
Monitor daily distributions and activities across the Switch blockchain.
Buy additional licenses to earn even more rewards using in app purchasing.
Node strength is calculated in real time enabling you to ensure optimal performance.
Real-time activity monitor.
Track daily, monthly and annual reward earnings.

Put Your Computer to Work

Own a part of the Switch Blockchain

Lite Node

Switch Blockchain Software


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Smart Node

Earn more Switch Rewards with Smart Node

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